Classroom Behavior Plan

Classroom Behavior Plan


1. Treat others as you want to be treated.

2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

3. Raise your hand before speaking or leaving your seat.

4. Follow directions the FIRST time given.

Positive Reinforcement!

 Verbal praise

Positive note home or postive phone call to parents

Extra recess


Conduct Marks/Consequences

 0 marks = E         no recess lost

 1-2 marks = E/w    warning    5 minutes recess lost

 3-5 marks = S          10 minutes recess lost

6-7 marks = N          15 minutes recess lost

 8 or more marks = U        all recess lost

**All students receiving a U in conduct will be issued a Minor Infraction Form(MIR).**

**Weekly conduct grades are given.**

**If recess is lost due to conduct, students will walk lost minutes instead of play.**